Den multinationella stabsövningen Dynamic Move pågår just nu i Belgien. I övningen deltar mer än 160 personer från ett tjugotal nationer. Deltagarna övas i samtliga aspekter av sjöminröjning och bygger på ett krishanteringsscenario i Östersjön. Marintaktisk chef, Ola Truedsson, besökte övningen och vi har fått följande text från NATOS pressofficer på plats som vi publicerar i original nedan:
OOSTENDE, Belgium – Swedish Marine Brigadier General Ola Truedsson visited the participants of NATO exercise DYNAMIC MOVE 16 today in Oostende, Belgium.
“I had heard quite a lot about this exercise, all good, and thought I needed to see it myself,” said the general.
Exercise DYNAMIC MOVE is an annual Allied Maritime Command tactical-level Mine Counter Measure Command Post Exercise and is designed to train participants from NATO and national commands, including Partner Nations and Non NATO Entities.
During the visit, the general was briefed by various participant groups on their progress thus far in the exercise and shared why he thought a multinational training exercise, like DYNAMIC MOVE, was important for Sweden to participate.
“I think it’s great for a small country like Sweden to come together with other nations to exercise various scenarios so when we come into a real operation we have the same way of doing things, the same SOPs, and this exercise brings it all together,” said the general. “We can’t see a scenario in our area where we will be alone, so we can come together with our Nordic partners and challenge ourselves to learn.”
Dynamic Move 2016 will run from 07 to 19 March and has nearly 160 participants from at least 20 different nations. The exercise has been coordinated by Allied Maritime Command Northwood Headquarters and hosted by Belgium’s EGERMIN Naval Mine Warfare School.
LTJG Mikel Weigel
Public Affairs Officer, USN