Projekt Northern Light (NoLi) mellan Singapore och Sverige avslutades 31 december 2012. I NoLi har marinen och Första ubåtsflottiljen utbildat Singapores ubåtsbesättningar i att nyttja deras modifierade ubåtar av Västergötlandsklassen (heter numera RSS Archer och RSS Swordsman).
Relationerna mellan Singapore och Sverige är mycket goda efter våra samarbeten som påbörjades 1997, och vi ser fram emot ett fortsatt samarbete mellan våra flottiljer.
Marinen har erhållit två gästinlägg från 171 Submarine Squadron i Singapore, varav det från fartygschefen på RSS Swordsman finns nedan.
Day 1672th of my posting to Submarine Project Office (Karlskrona)
I must say that time flies when one enjoys the nature of work and the people that one is working with. Unfortunately, like every good thing, my work here is almost complete and it is time to return to my home country.

RSS Swordsman och hennes besättning
In the last weeks, I have been reminiscing over the photos on my Ipad. I cannot help but noticed that those fond memories are always in company of my Swedish friends from the submarine flotilla and onboard the RSwN Training submarine. I have also reflected on the knowledge and experience gained from the close cooperation between Singapore and Swedish Navy – professionalism, creativeness and innovation are the three values that best described of what I have learned here. Professionally, I found myself to be a more complete submariner and naval officer.

Delar av besättningen från RSS Swordsman och personal från Första ubåtsflottiljen
On a personal note, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to bolster old friendships established during Singapore-Sweden submarine project in 1998. Despite the distances and limited interactions, I found that our friendships (close friends like Peppe Nystroms, Patrik Stjernlöf, Bengt Engqvist, Hasse Kjäll..etc) has been sincere and tested over time. Through my old friends, I have also found new ones (Peter Lager, Fredrik Folbert, Mikael Arvidsson..etc) Equally, I enjoyed thoroughly their hospitality bestowed upon me, my family and crew.

Sjösättning av RSS Swordsman
It has been a privilege to have work with great people and given the opportunity to further my knowledge in submarining. As I packed my final belongings, rest assured that nothing is taken for granted. I am thankful for the many great and fond memories of the kingdom of Sweden. I look forward being part of any further co-operation between our two great navies!
Loh Mun Heng
CO Swordsman (ex-Vastergotland)
p.s. Dolphin Code 38
Det värmer att läsa texten från Loh Mun Heng!
Fredrik Norrby
Chef Första ubåtsflottiljen