Projekt Northern Light (NoLi) mellan Singapore och Sverige avslutades 31 december 2012. I NoLi har marinen och Första ubåtsflottiljen utbildat Singapores ubåtsbesättningar i att nyttja deras modifierade ubåtar av Västergötlandsklassen (heter numera RSS Archer och RSS Swordsman).
Relationerna mellan Singapore och Sverige är mycket goda efter våra samarbeten som påbörjades 1997, och vi ser fram emot ett fortsatt samarbete mellan våra flottiljer.
Marinen har erhållit två gästinlägg från 171 Submarine Squadron i Singapore, varav det från ME2 Han Barry Witcharut på RSS Swordsman finns nedan.
Learning from the Best
Strolling around the town of Karlskrona somehow seems to feel heavier as my returning date for Singapore draw closer. Reminiscing on memories, I realised how much I had already missed Sweden. Especially the close-knitted friendship forged from the training with the Royal Swedish Navy (RSwN) since 2008.

ME2 Han Barry Witcharut med fru och Bengt Engqvist
Being one of the youngest submariners in the crew, I am much honored to have worked with some of the finest and most experienced people in the submarine field. The training is not limited to technical and engineering aspects of things. It has taught me how to be a good team player and certainly, the many core values of a good submariner. These lessons were a result of grooming and cultivation by my instructors like Bengt Engqvist, and Hasse Kjäll. I am grateful for the tolerances and patience showed by them.

RSS Swordsman lastas för transport mot Singapore
When I first joined the submarine force in 2007, I could recall how excited I was as I sauntered down for my very first visit to a submarine only to discover in great disappointment that there were NO WINDOWS! That is how inexperienced I was. Obviously I have come a long way. I can never give enough thanks to all the instructors and teachers who inspired me to continue learning with an open and positive mind. The values that I have learned will put me in good stead as I embarked further on my submariner’s journey. I will always be grateful for the many friends I have made along the way and the wonderful memories I take with me.
Thank You Sweden!
ME2 Han Barry Witcharut
CRA, Swordsman
Stort tack till Han Barry Witcharut för beskrivningen av relationen mellan våra länder och våra ubåtssystem!
Fredrik Norrby
Chef Första ubåtsflottiljen